Fraldinhas e Travessuras Alfragide

Fraldinhas e Travessuras Alfragide

Lisbon, Portugal

General Information - Fraldinhas e Travessuras Alfragide

Fraldinhas e Travessuras Alfragide

Fraldinhas e Travessuras Alfragide is a licensed preschool and daycare located at Rua das Galegas, nÂș57 A/B, 2610-265 Alfragide. They have a functioning license (Licença de Funcionamento nÂș38/2010) and a utilization permit (AlvarĂĄ de Utilização nÂș66/10). The school has opened registrations and now includes a program for the first cycle of basic education.

Types of Activities Offered

The school provides a variety of engaging activities to support children's development:

  • ExpressĂŁo PlĂĄstica (Plastic Expression)
  • ExpressĂŁo Corporal (Body Expression)
  • ExpressĂŁo DramĂĄtica (Dramatic Expression)
  • ExpressĂŁo PoĂ©tico-LiterĂĄria (Poetic-Literary Expression)
  • ExpressĂŁo Musical (Musical Expression)

Pedagogical Approach

The teaching method focuses on project-based learning, encouraging children to explore different forms of expression to support their overall growth.

Examples of Activities and Objectives

  1. CançÔes (Songs) - Helps develop memorization, language skills, rhythm, and a love for music.
  2. Lenga-Lengas - Encourages exploration of sounds and rhythms through oral and body language.
  3. Pintura com os Dedos, MĂŁos e PĂ©s (Finger, Hand, and Foot Painting) - Promotes creativity and fine motor skills.
  4. Jogos (Games) - Teaches rules and social skills.
  5. Modelagem (Modeling) - Enhances motor skills and imagination.
  6. Rasgagem e Colagem (Tearing and Gluing) - Develops fine motor skills and independence.
  7. HistĂłrias (Stories) - Fosters attention, language development, and imagination.
  8. Fantoches (Puppets) - Builds concentration and visualization.
  9. Brincadeira Livre e Orientada (Free and Guided Play) - Supports gross motor skills and social interaction.

Daily Schedule

  • 7h30 - 10h00: Welcoming time (miminhos)
  • 10h00 - 10h30: Story and singing time (large group work)
  • 10h30 - 11h15: Programmed activities (play and/or work)
  • 11h15 - 11h30: Hygiene time
  • 11h30 - 12h15: Lunch time
  • 12h15 - 12h30: Hygiene time
  • 12h30 - 15h00: Rest time (nap)
  • 15h00 - 15h30: Hygiene time
  • 15h30 - 16h00: Snack time
  • 16h00 - 16h15: Hygiene time
  • 16h15 - 19h30: Playtime until pick-up time.


  • Berçårio (Nursery): For babies, includes a kitchen for milk preparation and a playroom.
  • Sala 12/24 meses: Activity room for children from walking age to 24 months.
  • Sala 24/36 meses: Similar to Sala 12/24 meses, for children from walking age to 36 months.
  • Sala 3/6 anos: Room for children aged 3 to 6 years.
  • Espaço exterior: A secure outdoor area for free play.

Additional Information

  • School Transport: Available for children.
  • Isolation Space: For children who may be ill.
  • Enrollment: Open for the First Cycle of Basic Education.

Contact Information

Fraldinhas e Travessuras Alfragide is dedicated to providing a safe, welcoming, and family-oriented environment for children to learn and grow.

Please note that preschool data is collected and handled in a semi-automatic way by the TotMap team. If you find any inaccuracies, please contact us.

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Key Highlights

Age Range

preschool and basic education

Price Range

InscriçÔes Abertas USD

Group Size

not specified

Meals Included
