Creche "A Tartaruga e a Lebre"

Creche "A Tartaruga e a Lebre"

Lisboa, Portugal

Informações Gerais - Creche "A Tartaruga e a Lebre"

Welcome to Creche "A Tartaruga e a Lebre"!

At Creche "A Tartaruga e a Lebre", we believe in creating a warm and welcoming environment for all children. Our mission is to support individuals with disabilities, ensuring they feel included and valued in our community.

Our Commitment

We are dedicated to:

  • Inclusion: Every child deserves a place where they can thrive, make friends, and learn together.
  • Quality of Life: We strive to enhance the daily experiences of our children, making sure they enjoy their time with us.
  • Equal Opportunities: We provide various programs and services that cater to the unique needs of each child, helping them reach their full potential.

Join us in our journey of growth, learning, and fun! Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children with disabilities, ensuring they have the same opportunities as everyone else.

We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant community!

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Fotos - Creche "A Tartaruga e a Lebre"

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