Location: Setúbal, Portugal
Established: 1980
Type: Private non-profit association
Jardim de Infância O Sonho provides a variety of services for children of different ages:
Each classroom is staffed with one Educator and one Assistant to ensure personalized attention for every child.
The school is managed by a Board with periodic elections, which includes a Fiscal Council and General Assembly.
Jardim de Infância O Sonho welcomes children from various socio-economic backgrounds. Financial support is managed under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity.
The school actively participates in community events, such as:
The RSI team, established in October 2007, provides financial support to families in need. The team includes:
Beneficiaries: 290 Family Units (841 individuals)
RSI Contact Number: 265 081 223
RSI Email: [email protected]
The social store (Loja Social) supports the community by providing non-perishable goods, clothing, footwear, and furniture. It serves the parishes of S. Sebastião, Sado, Gâmbia Pontes, and Alto da Guerra.
Location: Rua das Piteiras nº 12 r/c esq. 2910 Setúbal
Email: [email protected]
Jardim de Infância O Sonho is dedicated to promoting social development and integration of disadvantaged social groups in the Setúbal region, collaborating with local and national entities to develop social intervention projects.
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